The 13th run of the Pharaoh was run in the I-Blend plastic. There were a total of 3341 discs in this September 2020 disc run.
The Pharaoh was released in April of 2018 as the third disc released in the Infinite Line and is our #1 Selling Disc. This disc is extremely popular because It provides max distance for the average disc golfer. There have been multiple runs of the Pharaohs, and some substantially different flight paths that have resulted in the different runs.
Pharaoh Run 12
The 12th run of the Pharaoh was run in the MF Glow C plastic. There were a total of 924 discs in this February 2020 disc run.
Pharaoh Run 11
The 11th run of the Pharaoh was run in the I-Blend plastic. There were a total of 1099 discs in this February 2020 disc run.
Pharaoh Run 10
The 10th run of the Pharaoh was run in the Swirly S plastic. There were a total of 1083 discs in this February 2020 disc run.
Pharaoh Run 6
The sixth run of Pharaoh discs was the first in regular S-Blend and they were all white for use with special edition, artistic stamps. They have a shape and flight similar to the Run 2 Pharaohs. There were 1041 discs in this special edition run.
Pharaoh Run 5
The fifth run of the Pharaoh came out rather unique with a very flat profile and a good number of swirls. There were 1203 discs in the run and they included a signature Jessica Weese edition as well as a couple of special tournament support stamps. A few were also stamped with the “Eye of…Read more
Pharaoh Run 4
Run 4 of the Pharaoh was a huge hit because it was the first time that Metal Flake Glow C-Blend had been run. It features a mix of colored glow plastic with metal flakes inside and had two editions– one with blank tops and a simple bottom stamp, and another version with an Alien Pharaoh…Read more
Pharaoh Run 1
The first run of Pharaoh discs was produced in Swirly S-Blend plastic. While the swirls did not turn out very well, almost all the run one discs were purple / pink. The disc was very popular. The run include 224 early prototype editions for testing and 800 stock editions. Run one was relatively flat. Jessica…Read more
Pharaoh Run 9
The 9th run of the Pharaoh was run in the Splatter S plastic. There were a total of 1083 discs in this August 2019 disc run.
Pharaoh Run 8
The 8th run of the Pharaoh was run in the I-Blend plastic. There were a total of 1065 discs in this August 2019 disc run.