Disc Golf Liquidation! MVP/AXIOM! Wednesday Evening Deals!
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Enjoy this 90-second speed tour of Infinite HQ, and enjoy your weekend!
Chuck’s sick, so Tyler & friends go surprise him to make him feel better. Anyone want a cookie? Follow us on our social media: https://www.facebook.com/infinite.discs/ Instagram: infinitediscs For business inquiries email connor@infinitediscgolf.com
Zoe Andyke and Kona Panis go through a practice round at the Fort in preparation for 2021 worlds. They teach us how they prepare for their big tournaments and how they learn the lines and which discs to throw! Special thanks to Zoe and Kona for taking the time to let us tag along for…
THERE IS A NEW BERG IN TOWN!!! Streamline discs (MVP is the parent company) has a new disc that will be hitting the market soon. It is VERY similar to a fan favorite disc, the Kastaplast BERG! MVP originally sent it out for their circuit series so many player may have them in their hands…
Our friends @Rippin Discs take the Ruin out to see how it can perform, in a match where the take on each other! https://infinitediscs.com/Infinite-Discs-Ruin/Signature-C-Blend The Infinite Discs Ruin is the small diameter, overstable approach disc manufactured by Innova that everyone’s been waiting for! This beadless approach disc has very little glide and will start fading…