Infinite Discs Black Friday Follow-up + Buzzz and Triceratops


Black Friday FOLLOW-UP

We ended up having our biggest ever Black Friday “Deals Week” with the number of orders placed. It’s been awesome seeing our customers response to the special edition stamps that we put together. Thanks for your much appreciated enthusiasm and support!

With the large number of orders, we want to remind you that we will NOT be able to ship the new orders at the same fast pace as usual. It is taking us 5-6 days longer to get some of these orders shipped, simply because we already have everybody working as many hours as they can and don’t have any way to move faster at this point. We have been shipping the orders with Priority Upgrades first, as usual, but there have been many of those as well. Please be patient as we process and ship your Black Friday orders. We hope to catch up within a few days.

We’re also still answering emails and working out any problems with discs that were listed wrong or that sold out too fast, etc. But those also take manpower to resolve, so please be patient as our support team tries to catch up on emails and with contacting any orders that had issues.

Thanks for your support and patience!


We have been dropping the limited edition Cryztal FLX Buzzz discs (as seen in the above photo) every few hours so that people can get them at different times. They sell out almost instantly whenever they drop. We have some drop in the middle of the night, and then again during the day. You can CHECK FOR THEM HERE though don’t expect to see any at this exact moment.


We have been working hard to get more Dino Discs in stock because our customers have been scooping them up so fast. We just got a new shipment of the TRICERATOPS putter in a more creamy, grippy plastic blend called “Ancient”. So, if you want an Ancient Triceratops ultra-lightweight putter for your kids, they’re here!

We are working on getting more of the previous models and know that there are several new models coming. Soon you’ll be able to fill an entire bags with very lightweight discs. We’ll keep you posted!


Interesting Note: We had some discs show up that were intended for our sale, but they arrived too late. So, a week from Friday, on December 11th, we will have a “Black Friday 2.0” feature with those cool discs. Watch for that.


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