INFINITE DISCS Mystery Challenge
Clash Discs is Excited to Present The Eric Oakley SPICE Clash Discs is very excited to present the new SPICE overstable driver that was designed by Eric Oakley for his bag. The stamp design continues the storyboard that Eric has been creating on most of his signature stamps (stamp design by Thought Space Athletics). Enjoy…
Three New Steady Ring Release from Clash Discs The Cherry, The Sage, and The Millet We have three new disc releases from CLASH in Steady Ring plastic, with the Cherry, which is a straight to understable midrange disc with a controlled turn, offering precision and versatility for various shot shapes. And the Sage, which is a…
Pre-Order the Drew Gibson ERA by Finish Line Infinite Discs and Drew Gibson are excited to announce the upcoming ERA by Drew’s own disc brand, Finish Line. This is not only a disc that Drew finds perfect for certain shots in his game, but it’s a disc that anybody can find useful when precision is…
Focus Friday Feature for the Weekend is: The YIKUN Brand 25% Off This Weekend Every Friday we have a featured disc deal that runs through the weekend, helping players to discover new discs for their game. This week we decided to feature the entire YIKUN brand so that you can pick discs that most…
Prodigy Discs are On Sale! As the summer begins to wind down, Prodigy has lowered their prices on their discs and allowed us to pass that savings on to our customers. The prices have automatically been lowered on our website, so you don’t need a promo code to take advantage of the discount. Plus, we’ve…
The Zoe Andyke Signature SPHINX We’ve now got a fresh 2022 batch of the Swirly S-Blend SPHINX with Zoe Andyke’s awesome 3-foil stamp. Purchases of this edition help to support Zoe on the road as she competes and as she teaches for the UPlay Disc Golf Foundation. It is one of the favorite drivers in…