Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Infinite Discs



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

We at Infinite Discs are grateful for the fun holiday season we’ve had at work as we’ve processed and shipped your orders, or as you’ve visited us in our store. We appreciate your support and feel grateful for those who have been patient with us as we’ve struggled through the strange supply vs demand situation of 2020. It’s been an odd year. For some people it’s been a very hard year. We hope that everybody will be able to look back at 2020 in a positive light as time passes…how we all worked together, struggled together, and overcame challenges together. We hope that disc golf at least offered some degree of silver lining or relief through some of the difficult times.
Thanks and happy holidays!

Check Out the Final Top 20 Tuesday Chart of 2020 HERE

If you order during the holidays…

Much of our shipping staff has gone home for the holidays to be with their families. Most of our hard-working crew will be taking a few days to relax and enjoy this holiday season. Please understand that orders placed between Dec 23rd and December 28th will take longer to ship than usual. The delays could run into the New Year, but then we’ll be back again in full force.  THANKS!


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