Oops! Wrong Signature Stamps!
Four Discs from TSA ON SALE SAVE UP TO 50% OFF This Week Only SAVE MONEY THIS WEEK (UNTIL MONDAY, MAY 20thth) ON THESE PREMIUM DISCS FROM THOUGHT SPACE ATHLETICS Get the CONSTRUCT Here Get the OMEN Here Get the PATHFINDER Here Get the SYNAPSE Here Need a good deal on 4 different…
The Zoe Andyke Signature SPHINX We’ve now got a fresh 2022 batch of the Swirly S-Blend SPHINX with Zoe Andyke’s awesome 3-foil stamp. Purchases of this edition help to support Zoe on the road as she competes and as she teaches for the UPlay Disc Golf Foundation. It is one of the favorite drivers in…
The Infinite Discs VIP Club The Infinite Disc VIP Club is an exclusive subscription service run by Infinite Discs for disc enthusiasts! Those who subscribe to the club receive a fun, collectible disc each month, never knowing what will show up in their mailbox. It is a way to explore, throw, and collect many disc models from…
Infinite Discs Is Proud to Announce Chandler Fry Joins Team Infinite Infinite Discs is excited to announce that Chandler Fry has joined Team Infinite’s professional touring team for the 2024 season. In partnership with Thought Space Athletics, we’re excited to support Chandler with an upcoming signature disc release and to help him any way we…
Limited Edition UV Reactive MUSE Today, Thought Space Athletics is releasing a very limited run of the MUSE putter in soft, grippy, UV Reactive Nerve plastic. These putters feel great and turn a from white to a soft purple when they see sunlight. The 2nd run Muse in the new, softer Nerve plastic (without UV)…
See Sale and Clearance Deals Below Which is The Farthest Flying Disc? We’ve currently posed a question on our blog that has been a longtime debate among disc connoisseurs– which disc flies the farthest? Of course, most successes with distance depend on the thrower’s experience and technique. But are there discs that give you an…