Quick tips from a disc golf pro🙌 #discgolf #quicktip #tips
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This Tuesday Tip is provided by Eric Oakley, #53565, explaining the necessity of practicing different putts. All to help you achieve a lower score on your disc golf score cards! Follow Eric here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theericoakley/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhalePants Follow us for more disc golf content: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinitediscs/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Infinite.Discs Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfiniteDiscs Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6mJBjducOT73gM7d4ZBEw
Do you ever travel with your disc golf gear? Bodanza is both a pro at disc golf and traveling, so check out his tips and tricks for keeping your disc golf gear safe and organized while out on the road! Want more of Bodanza? Check out his channel here: @BodanzaDiscGolf Shop Anthony Bondanza’s signature mold,…
Dave explains how you should select the weight of your disc! Disc weight choice depends on the type of shot and conditions; lighter discs are better for tailwinds and uphill throws, while heavier discs work well in headwinds and downhill shots. Start with a disc weight based on your size; for larger individuals, max weight…
Eric Oakley reviews the wing it discs Stratosphere. He talks about how glidey this mold is and who this would be great for. Check out the video to see Eric’s take on the Wing It Discs Stratosphere. Check out the Stratosphere here: https://infinitediscs.com/Wing-It-Disc-Golf-Stratosphere Follow Eric here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theericoakley/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhalePants Follow us for more disc…