Quick tips from a disc golf pro🙌 #discgolf #quicktip #tips
Erika Stinchcomb coaches us on 5 tips on how to practice disc golf in the winter! https://infinitediscs.com/ Follow us on our social media: https://www.facebook.com/infinite.discs/ Instagram: infinitediscs For business inquiries email me at connor@infinitediscgolf.com
A preview of the Fort disc golf course in Ogden, specifically holes 1-6. The remaining holes will be in following videos to come shortly. This is one of the courses that the disc golf world championship will be held on June19-26, 2021.
How the HECK does Ricky Wysocki throw so far while throwing with a fan grip? IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE… Or does it? There is a simple tip you can use to throw further disc golf shots while throwing with a fan grip or a power grip! https://infinitediscs.com/ Follow us on our social media: https://www.facebook.com/infinite.discs/…
The results of our blog post and your comments, illustrating the fan choice of the best disc golf driver. The Innova Destroyer won by a landslide, followed by Innova’s Wraith and Teebird. You can find those discs among many others on our online store at the following links: https://infinitediscs.com/Innova-Destroyer https://infinitediscs.com/Innova-Wraith https://infinitediscs.com/Innova-TeeBird InfiniteDiscs.com
Today we’re taking a look behind the scenes here at Infinite Discs. Robby teaches us how to pull an order AND how to keep the day interesting. Follow us for more disc golf content: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinitediscs/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Infinite.Discs Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfiniteDiscs Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6mJBjducOT73gM7d4ZBEw