Quick tips from a disc golf proš #discgolf #quicktip #tips
Disc golf has many aspects, some of which are difficult to master. Your mental state is one of the hardest to master and to practice. It is one aspect that can lead to great success and can be the cause of great failure. Check this tip out to find one method to refocus your thoughts…
Isn’t it CRAZY how one simple tip can change your form and make you a better disc golfer??? Well for me it will take a lot more than one simple tip but this was a GREAT start. Watching one of the furthest throwing disc golfers on the planet can give you a ton of golden…
A preview of the Fort disc golf course in Ogden, specifically holes 1-6. The remaining holes will be in following videos to come shortly. This is one of the courses that the disc golf world championship will be held on June19-26, 2021.
Eric Oakley MADE his own disc golf mold! The reviews are in… It’s good. Similar to the overstable 9-Speed slot but it will also be able to give you more glide while still holding that reliable finish. SPICE link below! https://infinitediscs.com/clash-discs-spice?Resp=1309257775 Follow us on our social media: https://www.facebook.com/infinite.discs/ Instagram: infinitediscs For business inquiries email me…
Eric Oakley reviews the Birdie Disc Golf Marvel. This is their first mold ever produced. He describes what he likes about the mold and gives it a handful of throws. Watch to see what Eric thinks of the Birdie. Check out the Marvel and other reviews here: https://infinitediscs.com/Birdie-Disc-Golf-Supply-Marvel Follow Eric here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theericoakley/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhalePants…
We are thrilled to announce an exclusive partnership with Tyler Brickley, who is coming back to the world of disc golf content creation after a one year vacation. Tyler has been responsible for some of our all-time favorite disc golf videos, and we could not be more excited to see what he makes for Infinite’s…