2022 Team Infinite Announcement
With the new year brings a new disc golf season, which also brings a new Infinite Discs team. At the end of 2021, we had opened applications to the public for a chance to represent Infinite Discs in the 2022 season. That open application time period had set a new record for the amount of applicants we received. We look forward to what this new year will bring! We are extremely excited to announce Team Infinite 2022!
Elite Team
The Elite Team focuses on high performing disc golfers and fast-improving individuals.
Alex Tews
Allison Haggett
Andrea Cammack
Austin Fonk
Cameron Colglazier
Carolina Halstead
Chris Eads
Christopher Paetz
Cody Simmons
Colby Christophersen
Cole Redalen
Cooper Siebers
David Bevis
David Feldberg
Drew Gibson
Emily Garner
Eric Oakley
ERik Rasmussen
Jace Foster
Jake LaPutka
Jason Light
Jerome Knott
John Montenegro
Jordan Infield
Jordan Lynds
Jordan Parks
Justin Gilbert
Kaleb Caplin
Koy Blanchard
Levi Hancock
Mason Foltz
Matt Hester
Micah Callies
Mikey Barringer
Morgan Lynds
Paul Koebke Barsic
Samantha Keddington
Scott Watson
Seth Dey
Taylor Coulam
Todd Springer
Tongia Toni Vakaafi
Ambassador Team
The Ambassador team is made up of players who interact on a large scale with disc golfers, or have a large social media presence, or the player who works hard to represent Infinite Discs. These may include tournament directors, club organizers/leaders, educators, experienced reviewers, or individuals that are respected by their communities – whether online or locally.
Adam Helpinstine
Bobby Hughes
Brandon Merzlock
Brian Bassett
Brigham Tanton
Bryan Jungling
Cameron Beck
Chad Rose
Christopher Davis
Clint Kimbrell
Connor Izatt
Conrad Norwood
Dallas Garber
Derrick Blanchard
Donald Boutin
Eric Hughes
Felix Vega
Garen Blanchard
Garrett Colwell
Hali Trevena
Hunter Snow
Jack Trageser
Jason Ramirez
Jill Norwick
Joanna Latini
Jory Reid
Joseph Roy
Joshua Martin
Keith Barker
Kevin White
Lucas Latta
Nathan Hendricks
Paul Baker
Paul Coulam
Peter Middlecamp
Robert Buckley
Robert Hansen
Ryan Manning
Ryan Flahive
Sam Russ
Scott Zimmerman
Shannon Berryhill
Shawn Swapp
Steve Fredlund
Taylor AuBuchon
Tricia Lafferty
William Jenkins
Zachary Moore
Core Team
The Core Team is composed of players that represent Infinite Discs through their performance and their reputation, all the while growing Disc Golf in positive ways.
Adrian Toledo
Al Hobbs
Alan Cooper
Blaine Anderson
Britany Horn
Bryan Newport
Carter Pearson
Carter Pearson
Casey Blum
Dru Uloa
Emmanuele Lizama
Jason Connaster
Jebediah Anderson
Jerid Ludwig
Jody Dixon
Jonathan Peek
Kenneth Bess
Kenneth Halstead
Kennet Magee
Keri Jackson
Kevan Greunke
Kristopher Humphreys
Kristy Artiglio
Michael Gilson
Mitchell Rainey
Molly Bass
Nick Champ
Richard Alexander
Ryan Blankenship
Shane Evans
Steven Massey
Thomas Cleaver
Troy Rugger
Wendy Magee
Will Atkinson
Zak Erickson
Morgan Leonard
Congrats to all!
Tyler Turnmeyer
I just wanted to say that I am very bummed and let down that i wasn’t chosen to represent the team. I truly feel like I would be an amazing addition and asset to growth. I hope you second guess your decision to not include me. I would be extremely grateful and I am all over the country playing and would easily spread to good word of Infinite Discs.
Thank you
This isn’t going to help your case. There are a lot of people out there doing as much as you or more. Move on, try harder, show some class and better luck next time around.
I’m in kc got my own course run my own events and started my own page chaingang and close partners with df disc golf on YouTube and some other names I cant really name but hey if got even stickers or whatever help spread the love holla can spread the love at the 50 events il be at this year last year did 57 not all sanctioned of course but the younger generation is your target market us old people are stuck in our way whatever efforts there are made il match times 10 I love this sport I don’t care about making money off it or free stuff off of it I just love turning people on to disc golf it saved my life maybe it could save there’s too thats why I wna grow the sport for the love not the dollas
Zachary DeRaspe
Should have picked me
Tyler Turnmeyer
I just wanted to say that I am very bummed and let down that i wasn’t chosen to represent the team. I truly feel like I would be an amazing addition and asset to growth. I hope you second guess your decision to not include me. I would be extremely grateful and I am all over the country playing and would easily spread to good word of Infinite Discs.
Thank you and congrats to everyone thst made the Teams! Crush it in 2022!
Jeremy Boylan
Awe man, well I’m gonna push hard to make the team next year! Congratulations to everyone! I may not have made the team but I am team infinite all the way bag is 80-90% infinite. I’ll be rooting for and helping everyone on the team in anyway I can! If y’all need anything don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck everyone and hope to join y’all next season!! If any of y’all are ever in NorCal hit me up love to meet and throw with anyone of y’all! That means you to Drew! You’re only 29 min from my house 🤣😂🤣 again I wish all best of luck and here if y’all need anything. I’ll get there next season!
Sam Russ
So grateful to make the Team with all these amazing individuals!!! I am looking forward to continue representing the Infinite Discs brand and continually enlightening others of their presence! Go Team Infinite…
Mary Hatdt
I love seeing all that pictures that Jill sends me. Soooo proud of her