Team Infinite is comprised of positive disc golfers who are committed to grow disc golf and the Infinite Discs brand. Our team consists of disc golfers from a variety skill levels, tournament directors, promoters, bloggers, and reviewers.
Follow team members at InfiniteDiscGolf.com/Team
Are you interested in joining Team Infinite?
We add new members to the team at the beginning of each calendar year. To increase your odds of making the team, it’s helpful to know what we are looking for.
We look for positive disc golfers who actively use Infinite Discs and many of our different programs; who are actively reviewing products and courses, using our disc golf scorecard app, and running leagues and tournaments. You are also much more likely to make the team if you are active in social media, especially Facebook and Instagram. Interact with our posts, giveaways and announcements. It’s also helpful for you to be active in different online disc golf communities as well as in local clubs. Make sure that you are a PDGA member and play as many tournaments as you can.
Be sure to follow our Facebook Page or Blog for the announcement of when next years new team member application will open.