Team Infinite Results 10/21/2016
Hey Infinite Discs fans and readers! As many of you know, we recently picked up a ton of new members for Team Infinite – our new sponsorship! Here is what the team has been up to recently! Markus Mika shows off his Biofuzion Defender at the Shoot the Moon Classic Team Infinite’s youngest member Holly Saugling, 9, received a 26 point rating boost in the last update Tony “T2” Martinez lines up for a putt at the Jolley’s Ranch Open, where 10 Team Infinite Members were present Tournaments Norcal Series Championship (A-tier), Ione, CA 10/15-16: Brian Cole; 7th Place MPO Autumn Glory Open presented by 1010 Discs (A-tier), Southaven, MS…
Team Infinite Announcement
This summer we opened up applications for Team Infinite, and we couldn’t believe the response we got! We have spent hours sorting through all of the many applications we received. Thank you everyone who applied! Now, the time has finally come to announce the members of Team Infinite! So without further ado, here is our current team roster! Click on the names of the team members to see their profiles and learn a little bit more about them! Current Team Infinite Roster Alec Falzone Alex Sakash Andrew Belet Bob Davies Brad Bauer Brandon Mook Merzlock Brandon Brown Brian Cole Cameron Beck Casey Kemmerer Christopher Ostheimer Connor Kisling Dalton Burrup…