Team Infinite 2023
At the end of each year, we open up applications for Team Infinite. Every year we are amazed by the quantity and quality of the applications we receive. This year was no exception! We are pleased to announce our Ambassador and Elite Teams for the 2023 season.
Tour Team
The Tour Team is for the highest level of player. These players are out playing week in and week out on the Pro Tour.
David Feldberg
Drew Gibson
Dustin Keegan
Eric Oakley
Erika Stinchcomb
Grady Shue
James Proctor
Maria Oliva
Zoe Andyke
Elite Team
The Elite Team focuses on high performing disc golfers and fast improving individuals.
Alex Tews
Allison Haggett
Andrea Cammack
Andrew Bradley
Austin Fonk
Carolina Halstead
Chris Eads
Christopher Paetz
Cody Simmons
Connor Rock
Cooper Siebers
Dale Hovis Jr
Danielle Kleidon
Erik Rasmussen
Gavin Phillips
Jace Foster
Jacob Courtis
Jason Dean Hardin
Jill Norwick
Jordan Infield
Jordan Parks
Justin Gilbert
Kaleb Caplin
Koy Blanchard
Mason Foltz
Matt Hester
Micah Callies
Mikey Barringer
Paul Koebke Barsic
Sami Keddington
Scott Watson
Seth Dey
Shiru Liu
Taylor Coulam
Todd Springer
Ambassador Team
The Ambassador team consists of players who interact on a large scale with disc golfers, have a large social media presence, or the players who work hard to represent Infinite Discs. These may include tournament directors, club organizers, educators, experienced reviewers, or individuals that are respected by their communities- whether locally or online.
Adam Helpingstine
Adrian Toledo
Alan Cooper
Al Hobbs
Blaine Anderson
Bobby Hughes
Brandon Merzlock
Brigham Tanton
Bryan Jungling
Bryan Newport
Carter Pearson
Casey Blum
Chad Rose
Chris Warpe
Clint Kimbrell
Colby Christophersen
Connor Izatt
Conrad Norwood
Dallas Garber
David Adamson
Derrick Blanchard
Dru Ulloa
Emmanuele Lizama
Emily Yale
Eric Hughes
Felix Vega
Garrett Colwell
Garen Blanchard
Hali Trevena
Hunter Snow
Jack ‘Tupp’ Trageser
Jacob Joron
Jason Connaster
Jasper Zimmerman
Jebediah Anderson
Joanna Latini
Jody Dixon
Joe Roy
Jory Reid
Joshua Daves Martin
Joshua Merida
Justin Blankenship
Kelby Neilson
Ken Bess
Ken Magee
Kenneth Halstead
Kenny Jet Brown
Kevan Greunke
Kevin White
Kimberly Worthen
Kristopher Humphreys
Kristy Artiglio
Mitchell Rainey
Molly Bass
Nick Champ
Paul Baker
Paul Coulam
Robert “Bobcat” Buckley
Ron Tiley
Ruby Hall
Ryan Bowie
Ryan Buenaflor
Ryan Flahive
Ryan Manning
Sam Russ
Sean Sullivan
Shane Evans
Shannon Berryhill
Shawn Christophersen
Shawn Swapp
Steven Massey
Taylor AuBuchon
Wendy Magee
Wes Bennett
William Jenkins
Zak Erickson
Congratulations and welcome to all our new and returning players! We are beyond excited to work with all of you, and cannot wait to see what the new year brings.

Levi Sechrist
What about the core team?
Tim Huffman
The application mentioned a core team. When will that be posted?
Jacob Joron
The Core team & Ambassador team are combined for 2023.
Tyler Turnmeyer
Man, I truly am sad to not get picked. I had high hopes that I’d finally get recognized and gain some much need support and momentum. Doesn’t keep me from still wishing I was on the team. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and continue to grind away. đź’Ş