The Highest Rated Pro You’ve Likely Never Heard of – Dallin Blanchard
Team Infinite member Dallin Blanchard is currently the 31st rated disc golfer in the world. His current 1024 rating is as high as touring pros Greg Barsby, Jeremy Koling, and JohnE McCray.
Unless you’re in the Idaho/Northern Utah region, you’ve probably never heard of Dallin Blanchard.
Dallin played his first PDGA sanctioned tournament, the Cache Valley Classic, at the end of 2014. Being his first event, he played in the Intermediate division and happened to be on my card. I was the first to tee off, and after my impressive 330 foot backhand drive that landed a good 70 feet short of the basket, I watched Dallin park the 400 foot hole with an overhand shot. He birdied that hole, shot -11 on the round (the best score for the tournament from ALL divisions), and easily won the Intermediate division.
Since that event, Dallin has only played tournaments in the Open Division. Because of religious beliefs, Dallin chose not to play on Sundays which greatly limited the number of tournaments available for him to play. Of his 29 career events, he has 16 wins and an impressive 55% win rate.
As a married man with a wife and 3.5 kids, disc golf has never been Dallin’s primary focus. Dallin rarely has time to practice and during the typical week only gets a few disc golf rounds in during lunch break.
As the local wins and Dallin’s rating continue to climb he is considering participating in some of disc golfs premier events. This year Dallin will participate in the USDGC where he will have a chance to play against all of the top rated players in the world. If he performs well there, his name won’t be known only to those in Idaho and we just might see more of Dallin Blanchard at top tier events in the future.
Infinite Discs is proud to have Dallin Blanchard on our team. To help support Dallin in his disc golf endeavors, a signature Tomb will be headed to Infinite Discs in the near future.