The Best Driver of 2020 + Cloud Breaker 2 Frenzy + Solar Wraith Coming

A week ago we posted a blog to determine which driver is considered the “best” and it included all drivers of different speeds as a general focus. We tallied up the sales, looked at overall ratings, and then asked Infinite Discs customers to chime in with their votes to help determine the winner. After looking at the feedback and plugging in the data, these were the TOP 5 as can be see in the updated blog post HERE.

Rank Disc Mold Sales Rank Star Rating Fan Vote Average
1 Innova Destroyer 1 1 1 1.0
2 Innova Wraith 2 2 2 2.0
3 Innova Teebird 4 3 7 4.7
4 Innova Thunderbird 9 5 3 5.7
5 Discraft Hades 7 9 3 6.3

CONGRATULATIONS TO CHASE J who won the $50 gift card this time!


Now, we’re narrowing the focus onto distance drivers, which are typically speed 10 and up. We’ve tallied the sales and rankings, so now we are requesting your votes for best distance driver of the year. You can READ THE BLOG AND COMMENT HERE. Once again, one person who leaves a comment about their favorite distance driver will win a $50 gift card to Infinite Discs!


So…The Cloud Breaker 2 came out today. If you weren’t watching for the first few minutes, you probably didn’t get a glimpse.

This is happening more and more these days, where the supply of discs is so overwhelmed by the demand that there simply aren’t enough to go around. Right at the time of release, there were 500 people on the Infinite Discs website, and we only had a fraction of that many Cloud Breaker 2 discs that were made available to us. There was no possible way that everybody would get one.

We are limited on how many we can purchase. There is a limit to how many were made. There is also a limit to how well our website can handle hundreds of people trying to add the exact same disc to their cart at the exact same time. It creates order errors, double-sales, and understandably becomes frustrating to many shoppers. We wish that things were different, but that’s the reality right now with manufacturing bottlenecks and the huge explosion in new disc golfers– there are not enough of certain discs for everybody to get one. We apologize for that frustration.

What can we do about this?

We’ll keep trying our best to get a big enough quantity of popular discs to keep our customers happy. You may want to look into the VIP CLUB for access to more limited editions. We have a VIP Club Store on our website where some limited editions are made available to a smaller group of collectors. It is just another tool that serious disc collectors and fans can use to get their hands on discs that are released in small quantities with cool stamps. While there is currently a waiting list to join, the wait won’t be long and you may have a lot of fun finding limited editions without having to fight the crowds.

The SOLAR WRAITH is coming back in stock!
We expect to have more available for you TOMORROW (Friday) at Noon Pacific. It’s a fun take on the Innova Star stock stamp. YOU’LL FIND THEM HERE WITH WRAITHS once they release tomorrow. ENJOY!

CLICK HERE To See What is On Sale This Week!


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