Viking Discs On Sale + Flying Rhynos + Zones
DYNAMIC DISCS OPEN, JUNE 26th The Pro Tour is kicking of the shortened 2020 tournament season with the Dynamic Discs Open on June 26th! We’re really excited to see the best players in the world compete again, and we’ve got tournament support discs in special plastics to support the event. There are great…
Scott Withers Swirly S-Blend EXODUS The Exodus was the first disc released in the Infinite Discs brand lineup, and now it finally gets its first run in Swirly S-Blend with a signature edition to support professional disc golfer, Scott Withers! This is a solid run of this control diver that flies with precision…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We at Infinite Discs are grateful for the fun holiday season we’ve had at work as we’ve processed and shipped your orders, or as you’ve visited us in our store. We appreciate your support and feel grateful for those who have been patient with us as we’ve struggled…
EXPECT SHIPPING DELAYS Here at Infinite Discs, we’ve had an expansion to our warehouse under construction for a few months. For the next two days, that construction has moved into the building that houses our online inventory. They are adding a fire sprinkler system, so we are not able to pull your orders…
WE’VE REACHED THE FINAL FOUR! The online voting is now over and round 3 has concluded with 4 finalists. The final four stamps will be run on an equal number of discs. The FINAL round winner will be determined by those discs sales. Watch for the release of these four stamps within the…
See the Top 20 Best-Sellers Since November 20th We haven’t published the Top 20 Tuesday chart since late November because we knew that the special deals would really mix things up. We wanted to let the Black Friday sales run, then watch the dust settle and kick-off Top 20 Tuesday again with the…