Wednesday Features Discounts on Kastaplast, Doomsday, and Dino Discs
The Zoe Andyke Signature SPHINX We’ve now got a fresh 2022 batch of the Swirly S-Blend SPHINX with Zoe Andyke’s awesome 3-foil stamp. Purchases of this edition help to support Zoe on the road as she competes and as she teaches for the UPlay Disc Golf Foundation. It is one of the favorite drivers in…
Introducing you to: The announcement template The Ultra by Birdie Disc Golf has quickly become a staple in many players bags. Broderic over at Frisbee Club asked Birdie Disc Golf to make him a Creator Series Run, and this is what they came up with. It is a flat, grippy, premium Metal Flake Infinity plastic…
See Sale and Clearance Deals Below Which is The Farthest Flying Disc? We’ve currently posed a question on our blog that has been a longtime debate among disc connoisseurs– which disc flies the farthest? Of course, most successes with distance depend on the thrower’s experience and technique. But are there discs that give you an…
Black Friday Deals and Releases Will Be Announced on Monday We have put together a fun selection of “Door Buster” discounts on discs and accessories that will be on sale from Thanksgiving throughout the next week. We also have brand focuses on each day for a week, discounting those brands on those days as well…
The VOTUM by Thought Space Athletics This week, the new fairway driver by Thought Space Athletics was released, and at the moment, we only have a few left. They have sold as quickly as pretty much every disc release by TSA as interest in the brand has skyrocketed. This new addition to the lineup is…
Exclusive Champion Gummy PIG and WRAITH We’ve lined up two exclusive runs from Innova with a Gummy Champion WRAITH and a Gummy Champion PIG. The more flexible plastic is always popular when the weather gets colder, and for a lot of us, the cold is settling in. Grab this fun discs with unique stamps to…